
Wednesday Night at the Dojo 1/31

Aikidokas: Tim, Keith, and Shiela

Back on the mat as the shoulder seems to be ok.

Ukemi: ok.

The Walk: we did one normal and then Tim had me do one with eyes closed. He then proceeded to wander around me while counting. That was strange. And, of course, it threw off my ability to return to my starting position by the end of it. I ended up about 90 degrees counter-clockwise from where I started.

Releases: Worked with Tim.

Techniques: Worked with Tim and Shiela.

Shihonage: Ran a couple of repetitions with Tim.

Shomen-ate and Aigamae-ate: Worked with Shiela. Mainly to give her a chance to deal with someone a foot and a half taller. And to give me a chance to figure out what she needed to do to accomplish it. Sensei Ray was called on for expertise when we were not quite figuring it out.

Aftermath: Fingers are a little numb this morning, but not bad. I think I'm at the point where I need the stretching and the exercise to improve, but only time will tell.