
Monday Night at the Dojo 2/19

Aikidokas: John, and Stanley.

Ukemi: Not bad. Took some more big falls.

The Walk: nothing unusual.

Releases: Worked with Stanley. Did two passes. One normal. One where uke intended to stop tori from completing the release. Definitely a good training device.

Techniques: with Stanley. the plan was for us to get as far through all 17 as we could for Stanley and as far through the first 14 for me. We managed to get through the first 10 and then Kote-gaeshi.

Actually did Kote-gaeshi at 3 step distance. Amazing. We each got throws on both sides.

The watchword for me on the evening was distance, as a member of teh distance/timing/off-balance triad. Timing and off-balance were ok, distance had to be tweaked on: Aigamae-ate, Gedan-ate, Ushiro-ate, Ude-hineri and Hiki-taoshi.

Waki-gatame was sweet.

Aftermath: Knees are complaining a bit, I don't know why. The left one was making me notice it during breakfalls. A change in the weather? Kim spent the evening working on loan paperwork for the new addition so wasn't able to make it to aikido. :(


uchi deshi said...

My knees are always complaining!

Patrick Parker said...

Amazingly, i have found that my knees hurt less the next day when i work on ice cold mats. Of course I hate icy mats because they make your muscles hurt worse, but they seem to keep the inflamation down in my knees a bit.

Scott Zrubek said...

We do very little knee work at my level, so I'm trying to figure out where the achey left knee came from. I've not come up with any brilliant ideas.