
Monday Night at the Dojo 2/26

Aikidokas: Randy, John, Stanley, Greg, and Kim.

Ukemi: Not bad.

The Walk: nothing unusual.

Releases: Worked with Greg.

Techniques: with Greg.

Shiho-nage: Tried to get the Randy-knuckle. Failed. Didn't feel very competent this evening. Possibly working with a new uke, I don't know. Didn't drop my hand into my center for the final off-balance. As a result, uke just went walking backwards without any real inclination to fall down.

Tenkai-kote-hineri: Transition to second off-balance did not seem to be going well.

Hand Randori: Worked with Greg for a few minutes. Neither of us was doing very well.

Aftermath: None of note. Knee is not complaining as much as it was. Kim may be working with Stanley as uke for her belt test. Keith and Sheila have vanished. Will they return in March?

Someone had a dolly, free for the taking, in their front yard on the way to the dojo. It's now in our possession, but probably in need of a new tire or two.