
Saturday at the Dojo 2/24

Aikidokas: Tim.

Ukemi: Not bad. Did a couple of tumbleweeds. No pinging on the right side, a little pinging on the left. It seems I end up going less forward and more to the side on the left side as compared with the right side. Just need more work.

The Walk: one regular, one with the eyes closed. Tim knew I was using a Braille line for reference. Braille line, for those not in the know is a seam where matt panels are joined together.

Releases: Worked with Tim.

Knife Randori: Worked with Tim. This was the first time I'd been through the full 5 steps of this, that I can remember. Let's see if I can remember the five steps.

1. Off-line
2. Off-line and touch.
3. Off-line, touch, and follow.
4. Off-line, touch, follow and technique.
4. Off-line, touch, follow, technique, and follow.

Double-hand grabs: We spent the rest of the morning working on the 14 double-hand grab exercises.

Aftermath: Nothing of note. Knees are feeling a little better. Went to a meeting for the Houston Open Judo Tournament in the evening.