Aikido Friday Night - 05/21/10
Aikidokas: Tim, Trey, and Dan.
Ukemi: Partial warm-up. I actually hit my head on one of my warm-up falls. I don't think I've ever done that before. No harm done, though. I spent a good bit of time with Don, teaching him how to fall again.
The Walk: Twice.
Releases: None
Trey and I spent the evening working on Shihonage and Ushiro-ate from O Waza Ju Pon. Introducing Trey to the separating centers of these two throws.
We also had a discussion on re-working the teaching and approach to Ushiro-ate in Ju Nana Hon Kata. We're going to go back to the more difficult approach for Ju Nana Hon Kata.
Aftermath: None of note.
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