
Friday Night at the Dojo 10/19

Aikidokas: Randy, John, and Kim

The Walk: one rep only

Ukemi: Still no rolls.

Releases: no tonight


Kim wanted to be thrown around this evening, so I spent the evening as tori. Friday is "black belt" night - usually reserved for shodan and above. Randy said it was okay and, since no black belts were going to be around to run class on Saturday, we decided to get some mat time in.

Since it'd been so long since I'd had a lot of work, I wanted a complete refresher. We worked on 1-9 and then kote-gaeshi. We skipped Gedan-ate since I did not want to subject my arm to that movement.

I've not worked with someone as light as Kim for some time, so I was constantly over-driving. This caused her to react far more than she should. I didn't realize this until very late. I wonder if the change to correct this would be a good tweak for working with Trey at the moment?

We spent a lot of time on Ude-hineri and Hiki-taoshi and uke's reaction to the two techniques. I think that was the most productive time of the evening.

I did attempt the new method of kote a couple of times. Kim took the fall well and I managed to do a decent job of getting her to fall. I've got to remember that the entry is similar to Ushiro-ate.

Aftermath: We were beat. The muscles complained a lot.