Aikido Saturday Afternoon - 4/2/11
Aikido players: Tim, Trey, Troy, Dan, Marvin, and Gayle.
Ukemi: Set of 6 falls. I only did right-sided as there's a painful spot on my right heel at the moment. Trey and I also helped Gayle with some introductory backfalls on our very cushy crash pad.
The Walk: Twice, as usual.
Releases: I worked with Gayle on the releases . We worked on 1-4 on both sides. She seemed fairly comfortable with the motions by the end our work on them. If she's the same next week, we'll work on 5-8.
I worked with Dan on Gyakugamae-ate for quite a long time. I probably took 50 falls on each side. Very slow falls. So, I would hang out in a crouch while he transitioned from the eye flash to the control of the head. That gave my quadriceps quite a workout, and my arms, too.
Then I did some defensive Jo work with Trey: Gyakugamae Ate, Shomen Ate, Hishigi, Renraku Waza Hiji Hishigi, Irimi Mae Otoshi. I think I did ok.
Trey then had me do a left-sided Kata Otoshi from Owaza Ju Pon. I nailed it on the third try. He also had me throw him with a guruma. I chose Kubi Guruma and nailed it on the first try and, if I do say so myself, I think it was gorgeous, at least from my vantage point.
Painful, colorful middle toe on my left foot and very sore muscles.
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