Aikido Friday Night - 3/20/09
Aikidokas: Tim, Trey, Kim, and Tom. We had two visitors watching us
Ukemi: Just watched over Tom.
The Walk: As usual.
Releases: Worked with Tom. His "attack" is still a little raw. That really highlights my issues. Also worked with Trey. Seems everyone was a little off tonight.
Ju Nana Hon Kata
Did some work with Tom on Shomen-ate. We worked on putting the whole thing together and it's coming along amazingly well.
I served as uke for Trey on a demonstration practice. He did really well. He almost got a promotion on the spot.
Owaza Ju Pon
No work on this today
Koryu Dai San No Kata
Worked on the first four for a bit with Trey as uke.
1) Oshi Taoshi - Trey came up with a suggestion to use the wrist as a tension point when I move forward
2) Gyakugamae Ate - No comments here.
3) Kote Gaeshi - Need a wider pivot as the attack comes in.
4) Ryote Mochi Sukui Nage - The initial off-balance needs to be not just back, but over the fourth toe.
Aftermath: None of note.
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