
Monday Night at the Dojo

Attendees: Sensei Randy and Keith

Ukemi: did ok. Need to use my center to generate the throw. Keith and I were both having troubles. We blamed it on the moon.

The Walk: Went okay. Ran through it in opposing corners with Keith. Second time self-pacing.

Releases: 1 through 8 with Keith. Spent time working on falling instead of stepping.

Techniques: ran through the first 5 with Keith. Need to move in, not just to the side, when uke approaches. Number 4 is the weakest, of course.

Aftermath: Sensei actually mentioned the "d" word: demonstration. It'll probably be a couple of weeks, but I do have 40 hours of mat time.

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Anonymous said...

i will pretend that i TOTALLY understand what you are saying.