
Wednesday Night at the Dojo

Attendees: Sensei Tim, John, Keith, Chuck, and Stanley.

Ukemi (forward rolls): both sides without the crash pad. Spent a fair amount of time on this. John and Stanley breaking down my faults. Maybe next time I'll build it back up a bit. Realized my leftside problem is probably because of my right foot dominance, not left or right-handedness, I think.

The Walk: Went okay, I'm pretty close to having it committed to memory.

Kata Hara (actually, some Hindi word meaning bulls***) : Start off with the releases and work into katas of techniques 6, 7, 8 and 9. Too much for my little brain to handle, since I really had not worked on those techniques. Took a fall off of one of the techniques that I was not confident in and landed poorly.

Aftermath: Left shoulder's a little sore. I'm still a little sore from, I think, volleyball on Tuesday. I think that affected a bunch of stuff during the session.

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