Wednesday Night at the Dojo
Attendees: Sensei Tim, Keith and someone else I've forgotten.
Ukemi (forward rolls): both sides without the crash pad. Regressed a little on the left side.
The Walk: Went okay. Need to do it more often at home.
Releases: 1 through 8 with Sensei. More intense work, finding faults. Good stuff. The cheat sheets are helping a little.
Shomenate: Spent a lot of time on this. Unbendable arm is the most debilitating flaw I have on this one. It's not staying unbendable.
Gedan-ate: Spent some of the evening on this. Still haven't attempted many throws with this, I've just been shown.
Aftermath: No pain. No real repercussions. Planned on filming Friday night for use on the website.
tag : Aikido
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