
Monday Night at the Dojo

Attendees: Sensei Randy, Keith and Stanley.

Forward rolls: Worked on left adn right without the crash pad. Yay!

The Walk: Went okay. Getting better. Need more at-home work.

Releases: 1 through 8 with Sensei.

Gyakugamea-ate: Sensei worked with me on this. Back of hand to eyes.

Ushiro-ate: Sensei worked with me on this. First time on this technique. I'm not completing it and that's why I did not get a fall from Sensei.

Ad hoc: Stanley was having trouble with Technique #14 - Mae-otoshi, so Sensei Ray came out and talked/demonstrated it for 30 minutes. Cool.

Repercussions: None, really. Felt really good about the session.

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