
Wednesday Night at the Dojo

Attendees: Sensei Tim, and Stanley.

Ukemi (forward rolls): worked on the left side with the crash pad. Still need lots of work. Did a few on the right side. Tim wanted me to do one on the left without the crash pad and it went well. I'll do more without it next time.

The Walk: Went okay. Need to do it more often at home.

Releases: 1 through 8 with Stanley. An ok venture. The cheat sheets are helping a little.

Shomenate: Spent a lot of time on this. Unbendable arm is the most debilitating flaw I have on this one. It's not staying unbendable.

Aigamaeate: Spent the rest of the evening on this. My height was mucking up Stanley. My non-unbendable arm was mucking up my technique.

Aftermath: No pain. No real repercussions. Updated the website with pictures from the recent Judo competitions.

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