
Weekend recipe - Croissants

The recipe from Richard Bertinet's "Crust" is what I used for croissants this past weekend.  They turned out, ok.  I made them too small, and cooked them too long.  This is a recipe I will try again.  Here it is:

20 g yeast
500 g bread flour
10 g salt
50 g sugar
1 large egg
125 cold milk
125 g water
200 g cold butter

1 egg with a pinch of salt for a wash

Flour in a mixing bowl with the yeast.  Add salt and sugar.  Add egg, milk, water and mix.  Turn out onto unfloured work surface

Form into a ball, cut a deep cross with a knife.  Back into the mixing bowl, covered.  Chill for at leat 2 hours and as much as 12 hours

Flour the work surface.  Peel the dough at the four corners of the cross to form a rectangle and roll out.

Open the butter into a freezer bag.  Flatten the butter into a square that will fit onto the dough diagonally.  Fold in the four sides of the dough over the butter.

Roll the dough out into a rectangle about 3 times as long as it is wide.  Fold the dough into thirds.  Mark it with one indent.  Chill in the fridge for 30 minutes or longer.

Roll the dough out into a rectangle about 3 times as long as it is wide.  Fold the dough into thirds.  Mark it with two indents.  Chill in the fridge for 30 minutes or longer.

Roll the dough out into a rectangle about 3 times as long as it is wide.  Fold the dough into thirds.  Mark it with 3 indents.  Chill in the fridge for 30 minutes or longer.

Roll the dough into a rectangle about 12in x 30 in.  Cut the dough lengthwise down the center.  Cut each strip into about 6 or 7 triangles.  Make a small vertical cut in the base of each triangle to allow you to make the crescent shape more easily.

Roll the triangles up.

Preheat the over to 425-450

Glaze the croissants with the egg wash

Let the croissants rise for about 2 hours

Glaze them again and bake for 18-20 minutes.


Eric B said...

Hey Scott, Hope you had a good weekend. I made a double recipe of this recently cause we had too many pecans in our freezer from our neighbor. It was a hit.


Tell Kim howdy.