
From Twitter 03-28-2010

08:36:14: Still recovering from aikido seminar. Demonstration as tori and demonstration as uke back-to-back wiped me out
08:37:30: Worked with several folks over the afternoon, including the amazing Nick Lowry. Now to take what I've seen and absorb it.
09:41:31: 20% off my items at artfire for the next 2 weeks. Use coupon: GUILDFEATURED. Visit: http://bit.ly/9VpRmI
10:09:37: @kaysea14 Peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, spinach, lettuce are all active in our garden. Have to see if anything produces.
11:02:57: A gorgeous silver cuff: AND HERE'S THE matching CUFF: http://bit.ly/aruInc for looking and PLEASE RT! Trying to grow! (via @bellalinda11)
20:53:22: @ConneryBeagle Way to go, ConneryBeagle!
20:54:18: Dinner at Joe's Barbecue. Stuffed baked potato = stuffed human. Blackberry cobbler soon in the oven.

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