
Monday Night at the Dojo 4/2

Aikidokas: Randy, John, and Kim.

Ukemi: Not bad. John chatted with me about ukemi concerns for the next demonstration. It turns out Tim has been working with me on them and I'm, in my mind, in a good spot as far as they are concerned.

The Walk: per usual.

Releases: Worked with Randy. Did some tweaking on some of them

Techniques: with Randy.

We were going to just work on Shihonage, to be kind to Randy's knees, but we ended up working on 11-14.

Kote-hineri: my hand must be against the inside of my knee for the proper hand positioning.

Kote-gaeshi: make a loop with the trailing foot. Big toe should not leave the mat.

Tenkai-kotehineri: do not overdrive uke. Extend the armbar to remove slack from the tendons.

Shihonage: all 4 off-balances and do not cut off the circular hand motion into a rectangle at the very end.

Aftermath: None of note. Plumbing leaks in the dojo appear to be fixed. Will re-float and -joint the sheetrock soon.