
Monday Night at the Dojo 3/5

Aikidokas: Randy, John, and Kim.

Ukemi: Not bad.

The Walk: nothing unusual.

Releases: Worked with John.

Techniques: with John.

Kote-gaeshi: New uke, new issues. I'm early on the commitment for gake. My foot lands before John's did a high proportion of the time. I think this difference is due to his size, when compared to Oliver. I did manage to throw him a couple of times with several near misses. It's coming along well.

Shiho-nage: It must be Shiho-nage. Not Sanho-nage, or Niho-nage. All four off-balances must be achieved.

We worked on the butterfly entry some. Had a little mental moment of clarity on the butterfly thing: the hands work together as quickly as they can. The off-hand does not try to go flying over the attacking hand, but joins the working hand as quickly as possible.

Tenkai-kote-hineri: Small movements. Let uke whirl about you.

Hand Randori: Worked with Randy for a few minutes. Had a brief moment of mental panic when he got me in the same hold that John did a few weeks back that caused the shoulder injury. I think I recognized it quickly enough that I was able to shutdown the fight-or-flight reaction before I did too much damage to the shoulder again. There is a little tingling in the fingers this morning, but nothing serious.

Aftermath: Nothing major. Our sheetrock repair in the dojo failed again. I'm not certain if it is because of a minor continuing leak or movement of the sheetrock panels because of traffic overhead.