
Saturday at the Dojo 1/20

Aikidokas: Tim, Rob, Keith, Oliver, Kim, Joey, TJ, Leonard, and Michelle.

Ukemi: Not bad.

The Walk: nothing unusual.

Releases: Worked with Rob. The theme for the day was "working with someone my own height". It threw changes into everything.

Techniques: Worked with Rob.


The main tweak was on our first off-balances. We had to adjust our off-balances by about 2 inches to get uke broken down. I also noticed on Gyakugamea-ate that my center was pointing a little in toward uke and not straight ahead. Those two little tweaks, if we'd discovered them early on, would have made all of the techniques work well. That we came across them at all was a good thing.

Aftermath: Meeting about the Nov. Judo tournament later. On-line registration discussion, etc.


Anonymous said...

Lessons learned:

Never attack someone taller than you.

Or shorter than you.

Or the same height as you.