
A Night at the Dojo

Attendees: Sensei Randy, Sensei Tim, John, Greg, and Igor.

Forward rolls: worked on the left side with the crash pad. Still need lots of work.

The Walk: Went okay. Getting better at remembering the late "stones".

Releases: 1 through 8 with John.

Gyakugamea-ate: John worked with me on this, as he's the nearest my height of the usual attendees. Got some praise from Sensei Randy.

Gedan-ate: John worked with me on this. Thank goodness. Learning this one with someone like Greg, who's 6 - 8" shorter than I am would be a strain on my back. Getting my shoulder under the armpit of the Uke and stepping *behind* Uke are the most important steps. I did not complete this with a throw of John, I don't think. This technique is one that I really enjoy watching Greg employ. His posture impresses me.

Repercussions: Shoulder's a little iffy, but that's pretty much normal. This was probably the last time Greg will be at a workout I attend. He's moving to Minnesota (or Michigan?) because the Navy screwed him around after he sprained his ankle.

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