
A Night at the Dojo

Attendees: Sensei Tim, and Greg. Very light attendance, almost a private lesson.

Forward rolls: worked mainly on the left side. Brought out the crash pad for me to work from vertical. Worked on letting gravity tell my hands where to land.

The Walk: I was placed in front of the mirror so I could see Sensei Tim. It helped, with so few students, to be able to see his movements. He stands in back so he can see where we goof up.

Releases: 1 through 8. Greg went through all 8 with me as uke and then I went through them. I think it would work better one at a time. My height gave Greg some complications to work through.

Shomen-ate: Worked left and right side. Need more work.

Aigamae Ate: Second technique. Spent a lot of time working on raising and lowering my arm. :)

Repercussions: A slight headache from falling improperly as uke.

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