
Tuesday Night at the Dojo 12/19

Aikidokas: Stanley, and Oliver.

Ukemi: Not bad.

The Walk: nothing unusual.

Releases: Worked with Oliver and Stanley.

Techniques: Worked with Oliver and Stanley. I wanted to work on 5 and 9. Oliver had some comments on 7. Then I did two run throughs of all 10. Sensei Raymond had some comments after the first one. Demonstration is still scheduled for today!

Ushiro-ate: I wanted to work on the "hook". I think it improved. I had some problems adjusting to Stanley on this one.

Ude-gaeshi: Oliver saw that my footwork was not quite right on this one. I need to step through with the working foot after the pivot. I managed this quickly and Oliver was impressed with the difference it made.

Hiki-taoshi: Worked on hand position before the hip switch.

Comments after the demonstration that Sensei Raymond watched:

Hiki-taoshi: I got it right on one side, not the other.

Waki-gatame: Operate at your shoulder level, no higher.

Aftermath: Mentally out of it. At one point during releases I had about a 1 minute brain flatline. I couldn't figure out what I was supposed to do on the next release. I hope that doesn't happen tonight.

Got to remember to bring beer for joseki. I think two 6 packs of Pilsner Urquell is what I'll try to pick up.