
Wednesday Night at the Dojo 5/17

Attendees: John and Stanley.

Ukemi: did fairly well on both sides. Still doing some basics work on getting the bounce out. John wants me to start working on standing up from our "fish-flop" warm up fall.

The Walk: Went well. Having trouble remembering the 10th stone. Sensei Ray worked with me after class on some parts of the walk.

Releases: With Stanley. Went ok.

Techniques: I ran through 1 through 5 once each with Stanley. Lots of work on Geden-ate and Ushiro-ate. After going through my set of techniques, Jahn had us switch to a 3-step approach so Stanley could work on his techniques. This is mind-blowing and is going to take a bit to remember.

Aftermath: Left shoulder is a little off, probably from woodworking and volleyball. Left ankle and calf are a still a little off.

The seminar for this weekend is on. Now to figure out how to fit it into my schedule with the carpentry job I'm working on for Sea Sports Scuba. There are going to be sessions Friday night and 3 on Saturday. I think I'm going to try for the one tonight and then work the table saw afterwards. Then, two sessions tomorrow and more carpentry afterwards. And then transport the stuff after that. And fit in some web work sometime this weekend. Ack.

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