
Monday Night at the Dojo 5/1

Attendees: Sensei Randy, Stanley, Keith and Keith's wife, Sheila.

Ukemi: did ok. Keith said I'm still collapsing my legs as I roll, which generates more velocity than is good for me.

The Walk: Went okay. Sheila joined in. This is the first time she's been at our dojo, but she's done a fair bit of Ueshiba-style.

Releases: 1 through 8 with Keith. Spent time working on falling instead of stepping.

Techniques: ran through the first 5 with Keith and Stanley, on the left side only, alternating 5 with Keith and then 5 with Stanley. Keith and Stanley worked on all 17 during the same time period, on left side only. Sensei was working with Sheila on the walk.

Aftermath: None, really. No painkillers. I was not pleased with my performance on the 5 techniques, but Sensei said they looked good, at least toward the end.

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