
Friday Night at the dojo 5/23/08

Aikidokas: Tim, Randy, and Trey.

Ukemi: Took a big fall, right-sided. Landed weird on the left calf muscle and it complained.

The Walk: Went ok.

Releases: With Trey. Went ok. Working on an alternative to having to duck on 5 and 7 by pushing up more. It requires staying much closer to uke.


1-10 left-sided only for both of us. It was a struggle. It was interesting to see how much a difference doing no right-sided techniques to jog the memory makes. I was very grabby on a number of the techniques, but I did manage to clean it up a little.

We went back to 1-step distance to clean up some issues from time to time and it helped. We explored some options for ushiro-ate for someone of Trey's height trying to handle someone of my height.

Aftermath: Very sore left calf muscle. Pulled? Strained?