
At the movies: Redbelt

Redbelt: 4

From imdb: A fateful event leads to a job in the film business for top mixed-martial arts instructor Mike Terry. Though he refuses to participate in prize bouts, circumstances conspire to force him to consider entering such a competition.

The movie does a good job of portraying an instructor who has principles and is not in it strictly for the money. They operate on razor-thin margins, struggling to make rent for their space.

The events that occur are plausible, and the ramifications make sense.

The portrayal of the dojo is plausible, as well, although the set was too big if the dojo was as struggling as stated in the movie. The dojo would have moved to a more affordable venue.

The only minor quibble I have is when the lawyer came into the dojo for her first training session, she already knew that a red belt was the highest rank. The colors of belts, and their meanings, differ from one art to the next and one style of art to the next. But, it's a minor quibble.

I might end up purchasing this one.


uchi deshi said...

I gotta see it. I tried to talk her into it, but I don't think my wife is interested.

Budd said...

it was good. They did that change camera angles about a hundred times a fight scene thing that is frustrating to someone wanting to see what they were actually doing.