
Saturday Morning at the Dojo 11/24

Aikidokas: Tim, Richard, and Kim

The Walk: as usual.

Ukemi: No issues. Still not taking standing right-sided.

Releases: We spent a good portion of the day reviewing releases. Richard is a Yondan from the KG days of most of the Senseis. He's been mainly working on Jyodo for the past few years.


Shomen-ate and Gyakugamae-ate: I served as uke and did not get many, if any, reps in as tori. There was a neat almost occurrence during one of my falls. It was raining quite a bit outside the dojo. At one point a massive blast of thunder occurred just after I took a fall. It would have been hilarious if it had occurred just as I reached the mat.

Aftermath: none of note.


Edward Ott said...

I have just gotten back into martial arts and you will like this made the classic mistake of "i used to be able to do this" and truely hurt myself.