
Monday Night at the Dojo 11/5

Aikidokas: Randy, Kim, and Trey

The Walk: as usual.

Ukemi: nothing to report.

Releases: Randy had us repeat releases until Trey got them right. We spent a lot of time on the first release as one of us would spot something that needed fixing each time.

I also tori'd a set with Kim as uke. She was being brutal and I was not responding well to the change.


Shomen-ate: Trey and I both worked on this technique. Still having issues.

Aigamae-ate: Trey worked on this technique. I wonder if my performance as uke is hurting his development?

I ran through the following with Randy while Trey watched.

Hiki-otoshi: I worked on this with Randy at the end of the evening. I ran through a couple of attempts with no gake. Then I ran through a couple of attempts where Randy did a roll-out. And then one with Randy taking the big fall. It went fairly well.

Aftermath: Kim had a great evening. She hasn't been this happy coming off the mat in quite some time.