
Monday Night at the Dojo 7/9

Aikidokas: Sensei John (now that he's Yondan, he's Sensei), Robert, Oliver, and Greg

Ukemi: not bad. Starting to work on rolling up. May have slightly pinged a hip on one of them. No lasting effect

The Walk: as usual. Asked about incorporating Sensei Carla's suggestion from the seminar. Got to count the next version of the walk because of asking said question ;)

Releases: with Oliver

Techniques: with Oliver.

We were supposed to run through 1-14 both sides for both of us. We managed to make it through 1-9 for Oliver. We had a good time and knocked some rust off.

Aftermath: none of note. Still trying to get rid of the cold allergy.


Patrick Parker said...

Come on, dude. let us in on Sensei Carla's walking suggestion... You cant leave us hanging like that.

Scott Zrubek said...

Oops, sorry. Didn't mean to leave you hanging there.

On the walk, the non-working hand stays in a defensive position near the crotch to block. We've been positioning the hand very close to the body, essentially straight down. Sensei Carla's suggestion is to bring the hand about 6" to 8" away from the body, still in an unbendable arm posture. You block more attacks earlier in that spot.

This is not an instant change. The straight down block is much easier to maintain. The new position takes some cpu cycles (at the moment) to maintain it during the walk. I expect it will take us a couple of months to successfully integrate it into our muscle memory.