
Saturday Morning at the Dojo 5/19

Aikidokas: Sensei Tim, Jeff, Gail, Oliver, Steve and Blake(?). The folks from Killeen came down for a training session. I'm pretty sure I messed up Jake's and Blake's names.

Ukemi: Not bad, until I tweaked the back muscle again on a forward roll.

The Walk: as usual.

Releases: Worked with Steve and Blake on the releases.

Techniques: helped Blake on Shomen-ate.

After the tweak of my back, I did as little as possible. I served as videographer for Jeff and Gail on some of their techniques so that they would have a reference for them back home. I need to transfer them to DVD and get them into the mail.

Aftermath: Back is not happy. Hot shower, heavy duty pain pills were in order. I did very little, except rest, the rest of the weekend. I plan on not getting back on the mat until at least the 28th, maybe the 30th. Have to see how the back feels. And no volleyball this week either.