
Monday Night at the Dojo 4/16

Aikidokas: Randy, and John..

Ukemi: Not bad. I was doing some diving on the left side big falls.

The Walk: No walk this evening.

Releases: No releases this evening.

Techniques: with John.

Worked on Shihonage and Tenkai-kotehineri

Shihonage: 4 off-balances. Keep the arms unbendable for the last off-balance.

Tenkai-kotehineri: Slow down. Wait for uke to take the steps. Push, but don't over-push.

Nami no waza:

We did some work on a new set of combinations for me. I know I can't remember everything.

Uke attempts Shomen-ate. Tori counters with Waki-gatame.
Uke counters with ????. Tori counters with ????.
Uke counters with ????. Tori counters with ????.
Uke counters with Kote-gaeshi. Tori counters with Shomen-ate and the cycle repeats with roles reversed.

I know there's a Gyakugamea-ate in there and, I think, another Kote-gaeshi and maybe a Gedan-ate. My brain is blank this morning.

Aftermath: Bruise is getting better.