
Saturday at the Dojo 2/17

Aikidokas: Tim, and Rob.

Ukemi: Not bad. Did a couple of tumbleweeds and there was no pinging of the shoulder. Cool! Now to try to repeat it in the future.

The Walk: nothing unusual. Tim tweaked a bit, adjusting our posture with the feet a little further apart.

Releases: Worked with Rob.

Techniques: Worked with Rob.

Owaza Ju Pon : Ushiro-ate : This is what we call one of the "Big Ten". The techniques are similar to those in Ju Nana Hon Kata, but instead of uke's and tori's centers moving in the same direction, in Owaza Ju Pon they are moving in different directions. The techniques tend to generate falls with more air time.

Tim wanted Rob to have some more time working on it, so I was a willing uke. Nailed it pretty much from the start.

I then worked on 11-14 of Ju Nana Hon Kata as tori.

My mind blanked on what Kote-hineri was. Bad brain. No biscuit!

With some prompting, I remembered. Got to get the initial off-balance.

Kote-gaeshi : went well. The throw never happened, but the techniques was on.

Tenkai-kote-hineri : went well. Tim had Rob hide a (rubber) knife and encouraged him to attack me with it on this one. It improved my technique quickly.

Shiho-nage : went well.
It applied to all 5 of the techniques.

Aftermath: Nothing of note. Kim wasn't able to attend as she was at a genealogy workshop for work. Blueberry bushes got planted in the afternoon while she and her parents were off shopping.