
Saturday at the Dojo 12/9

Aikidokas: Tim, Keith, Greg, and Oliver.

I got there a little later than I should so warm-up was a strange mish-mash. I also spent a good bit of time on the phone with a prospective student, so that cut in even more.

Ukemi: Just slaps. Didn't have time for rolls. :(

The Walk: joined in the middle.

Releases: Worked with Greg.


Worked with Keith, 1-10.

Shomen-ate: ok.

Gyakugamea-ate: ok.

Gedan-ate: better than Thursday.

Ushiro-ate: we spent some time on this, exploring how to get your hand out of uke's way and maintain it in center. The key is the step off-line. You maintain your hand in your center, but you've got a minor fall off-line that gets the hand out of the way. That seems to make a huge amount of difference.

Oshi-taoshi: ok.

Ude-hineri : ok

Waki-gatame : don't let hands rise out of center.

Worked with Greg on 1-10 and then on as many of his as we could get through.

We spent some time transferring the information Keith and I had worked on for Ushiro-ate over to Greg. I hope it helped.

Aftermath: We folded up the mat to clear some floor space for the party. Went home and made pralines and pecan pies for the party.