
Thursday Night at the Dojo 8/31

Attendees: Oliver and Kim. Sensei Raymond was on the other part of the mat working with Judo folks. So, I was running aikido. It is educational to try to instruct. I hope I'm not screwing folks up to much.

Ukemi: Not bad. One slightly off roll on the right side. Probably collapsed the arm.

The Walk: as usual.

Releases: Worked with Oliver. Oliver and Kim worked together after that with me watching.

Techniques: Exampled Shomen-ate with Oliver for Kim to watch. She and Oliver then spent most of the rest of the evening working on her Shomen-ate. She made great improvements from the start of the evening until when we stopped. I then uked for Oliver on 1, 2 and 5 to get him some more practice.

Aftermath: Nothing of note.

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