
Wednesday Night at the Dojo 7/19

Attendees: Tim, Keith, Robert, Stanley, and Oliver.

Ukemi: Left side was a little off, didn't get enough time to work on it. Tim wanted me to start working on side rolls and implied that I should work on "reverse" rolls. I'm way behind where a green belt should be, as far as I'm concerned.

Releases: Worked with Tim. He was really working with me on timing and hand position.

After the general release work, we worked on turning releases 1-4 into Oshi Taoshi. We also spent a large amount of time "attacking" Oliver, making him make quick decisions about how to deal with us. He was greatly improved by the end of the 20 minute session. He even found a technique that he likes to use on me, and he's successful with it.

Aftermath: Disappointed in ukemi. Pleased that my green belt actually arrived. Finally, some color on the mat! :D

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Poxbox said...

Quick question. For your demonstration to get your green belt.... who was present?