
Monday Night at the Dojo

Attendees: Sensei Randy, Keith and Stanley. Chuck was in the dojo, but talking with Sensei Ray about some construction of items for the upcoming Judo tournament.

Ukemi: both sides without the crash pad. Sensei Randy is going to start adding tori-induced propulsion to the rolls, at least on the right side.

The Walk: Went okay. Ran through it the first time with eyes closed. Mucho off-balance in places.

Releases: 1 through 8 with Sensei Randy. Making improvements.

Aigamaeate: Worked with Sensei on this. Problems: holding on to uke with lead hand. Solution: use two-finger approach instead of whole-hand approach. Unbendable arm! I managed to get a couple of throws right and left side.

Ushiro-ate: Worked with Sensei on this. I'm not able to complete the throw with him for some reason.

Bakwas: Was uke for everyone on this. My size made it quite interesting for them. "Brahma bull" might be my nickname. I also sped up quite a bit during the kata. I must remember to stay slow.

Aftermath: Did not take any ibuprofen, woke up with a slightly tweaked left shoulder.

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Anonymous said...


Poxbox said...

By the way.... some people get a boomerang effect on ibuprofen. I get it to a lesser degree. It works great... then you stop taking it and areas of your body seem to ache for no reason for a couple days.